When is the best time to buy pepper seeds?
People often ask us when is the best time to purchase pepper seeds, it comes down to two major factors:
How badly do you want a specific variety?
Are you willing to wait for there to be more seeds released while leveraging out the chance the ones you need will sell out.
The general public often buys their pepper seeds from January-April, while this in lockstep with garden planning we suggest shopping a little sooner for seed. Below you can find a timeline as to when we release our own seeds to help guide you.
Early September
This is when you will most often see us teasing new varieties we know we will carry this year on Instagram. This will give you a feel for what you may be looking for.
Late September-Mid October Seeds have begun to dry and will be making their way to our website. The first update we have on the site accounts for about 70% of all our final types of peppers. If your a pepper enthusiast this is the time to shop!
Late October New pepper seeds will be release but this often is only about 20% new stock. By now our first refresh will be in restocking anything that sold out in September.
November Our plants are dead. Final inventory is often being sorted and counted. There may be smaller new additions to the site but the inventory will be limited. Some items will have for sure sold out and wont return until the following year.
January assuming our next generation has took very well we often will add small (3-8 packs) of seeds to the site.
We offer free shipping on orders over a minimum amount, we maintain this low minimum order size so that you dont have to pay shipping twice so there is no reason not to buy in September and November. Its best practice to sign up for our seed drop emails so you know exactly when new products come out!